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CARINI > Labels by industry > Wine
The wine label is not an invention of modern times. As early as 6,000 years ago, the Sumerians affixed roll seals to their vessels to provide information about the contents. Greeks and Romans extended the information by variety or origin of their wines in the amphora. And with the invention of lithography around 1800, printed paper was applied to the belly of the bottle for the first time. Printed wine labels are thus one of the oldest and most widely used types of labels.
According to the OIV, 165 million hectoliters of wine are produced annually in the EU today. The competition for customers’ attention at the wine shelves is correspondingly intense.
Today, according to the OIV, 260 million hectoliters of wine are produced annually worldwide – 165 million hectoliters in the EU alone. The competition for customers’ attention at the wine shelves is correspondingly intense.
The label not only offers you the opportunity to convey the most important information, but can do much more: wine is a sophisticated beverage with character and many different facets. In addition, there is the specific history and other unique characteristics that shape your brand. The CARINI team therefore sees it as its task to reflect exactly these distinctive features on your labels and to present them in a way that excites both existing and potential customers.
Of course, we are always aware that wine labels should not only convince on the shelf. White wine labels in particular are subjected to stress tests on a daily basis and have to withstand not only humidity and moisture, but also fluctuating temperatures and the resulting condensation. At CARINI, we have the relevant experience and expertise in face materials and adhesives to ensure that your wine label has an irresistible appearance throughout the entire product life cycle.
At the 2021 FINAT International Label Competition, the “Priorat Sobre Todo 2016” was named overall “Best in Show” and winner of “Group A1 Marketing/ End-Uses”: The “Priorat Sobre Todo 2016” label produced by CARINI for a Spanish wine from the Swiss Philipp Schwander AG impresses in every respect with its outstanding quality – both in terms of design and printing. You can find out more here.
Wine is a natural product that is developed and refined into a cultural beverage through the art of winemaking. In keeping with this, we have an ever-increasing variety of natural label materials made from renewable raw materials and recycled material. By printing sustainable labels, we reduce energy, water and wood consumption and cut greenhouse gas emissions as well as waste. In this way, your wine becomes a true “natural product” when it comes to labels.
Our experienced team will guide you through the complex world of label designs, materials and finishes so that your label can unfold its full sales power in the highly competitive wine market. Together we analyse your application areas and requirements. This is how we find the perfect individual mix. Whether elegant, high-quality or flashy and eye-catching: tailored to your packaging vision, we make your wine an attraction on the sales shelf with a label that is full of character and expression!
Let's create your exclusive wine label together.
Send us your design draft and, after our analysis of your brand and goals, we will suggest specific ideas for implementation.
We are looking forward to it!
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"An important component of the positive development of our business in recent years was certainly our appearance at the point of sale. CARINI perfectly implements important, seemingly invisible details for us, and we appreciate the competent advice in the process. Top-quality results combined with reliability and service orientation are what set CARINI apart."
"Time is an essential factor for us. As a partner of over 1300 winemakers from western and eastern Switzerland with state-of-the-art bottling facilities, rapid development and the shortest possible delivery times of labels for our exquisite wines are a must. CARINI scores here all along the line."
"With its more than 850-year history of viticulture, Schloss Gobelsburg is one of Austria's wine cultural heritages. The winery stands for regionally typical wines of the Krems Danube region and is a representative of Austrian wine culture on an international level. Perfection and excellence characterize the work of the winery in all areas. Therefore, it is also a matter of course to work with the most professional partners in the industry. CARINI is our specialist in the realization of the highest standards of innovation and technology for labels. This allows us to make the characteristics of our unique wines visible on the outside as well."
"We are united with CARINI in following the same philosophy: Always 100% commitment and even more. We create exceptional wines with high quality standards. This is also how we can describe our long-standing collaboration with CARINI - uncomplicated and characterized by high quality."
"CARINI is an important partner for us in terms of consulting, product development and implementation. We thank them for the smooth process flow, adherence to deadlines and appreciate their willingness to innovate as well as their open, uncomplicated communication."
Surprisingly different: Sophisticated optical effects make your label stand out from the crowd at first glance.
With the highest quality finishes, we make your label something truly exceptional.
Whether it’s a lot of text, unique features, or security requirements. We supply you with the appropriate label.
We present solutions for the subsequent printing of variable data on your pre-printed labels.