At the beginning of 2025, the fourth generation takes over the management of CARINI GmbH. A strong team consisting of Edgar Sohm, Simon Sohm, Christian Zoll and Michael Dür focuses on innovation, sustainability and digitalization. To the article
When you look at the big picture, the scale becomes clear - only around 10% of the plastic produced worldwide is recycled. The rest ends up in landfills at best, but often in nature and the oceans. To the article
June 01, 2022, Baveno, Italy.
CARINI presents four category winners in the decisive group Marketing / End-Uses and
thus underscores the first-class bandwidth across a wide range of industries.
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April 07, 2022, Ottakringer Brewery, Vienna: The coveted Golden Pixel Awards will be presented at a live gala. Vorarlberg companies come out on top in three categories.To the article
Haven't we all long since grown tired of constantly discussing Covid? And yet this virus continues to dominate our daily lives - through staff absences due to infections or quarantines, shortages and delays in the value chain, or successive price increases on the procurement market. No one would have expected this to keep us busy for so long...
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